At the end of 2017 I held my first international Boudoir Photography Retreat in Queenstown, New Zealand. Over the few days we spent at this amazing location, I had the privilege of sharing my love for boudoir photography with 8 other photographers, and two models.
A massive thank you to those attendees who sent me personal messages thanking me for the experience and what they gained from the retreat. My overall goal when setting up this retreat was to get a bunch of women together who wanted to learn more about boudoir photography, expand their portfolio, shoot something new, get creative in an amazing location, have a chance to step in front of the camera and experience what their client’s go through, and generally just relax and unwind for a few days with a great bunch of people. I believe we achieved what we set out to, and it was wonderful to see these beautiful women letting go, embracing their bodies and walking around so incredibly confident! Even more fantastic that some of them are now introducing boudoir as an offering in their photography businesses. This is what it was all about! Boudoir photography is such an empowering and rewarding genre to shoot.
Here are some of the images I captured of all the models and fellow photographers (yes... all REAL WOMEN) during my time at the retreat.
2017 was a massive year of return clients for me... and Miss C was one of those. The beauty of working with repeat clients is that you already have developed a rapport and level out trust, so the next shoot we often get much more emotive and creative and free during the session.
Boudoir is the Answer.