Posts in art nude
Couples Boudoir Photography ~ C & J

“You make lists in your head about what you want in a lover, like brown hair and a sweet voice. A sharp mind and a soft heart, a sense of humour that actually makes you laugh like you mean it. This and that. And it’s bullshit. Because people aren’t lists. And I’ve always wanted to be the person who made someone realise that. I want to come across someone with a list in their head that is nothing like the person I am, and I want to show them what they didn’t even know they were looking for. People who think they know what they want are fooling themselves. Nobody really knows what or who they want. Not until it’s right in front of them.”

Brisbane Boudoir Photographer ~ Miss S

“Move, baby. Move. Turn the lights off and light the candles. Let the lace fall and move to the music the way your hips can’t help it. Get on your knees and let the carpet burn you until that primal wild look takes over your eyes and you can’t stop shaking to the way you sound when you’re coming home to yourself. Do that. Move baby, move.” ~ Brooke Solis

Brisbane Boudoir Photographer ~ Miss C

“Do it. Do the thing that sits on your ribs and whispers of lava centres and passions ignited. Do it, the thing that writes happiness in your bones. Do it, the thing you don’t do but should do. Do it, the thing that makes your heart beat. Do it, the thing, that makes your skies melt. Do it, the thing, that makes you, alive.” ~ Brooke Solis